In the midst of our struggles lives have been lost, homes have been deserted, and the future looks bleak because of those who are parading the corridors of power in our land.


The greatness and success of our land is one that's not in the hands of the gods but in the hands of every citizen. This calls for patriotic attitude, being responsible citizens, and eschewing all social ills that would still be adamant in dealing heavy blows upon the destiny of our land.

Come and let us talk about it; The wounds we have in our land - who's fault is it? The pains we have in our hearts - to whose fault is it? The backwardness that's gripping the destiny of our land on daily basis among other countries of the world -who should we blame for such?

Well, we all must be intentional about killing corruption before corruption kills us all and ravage our land ruthlessly.

All hands must be on deck in ensuring that we all work out the very best for dear land in all ways and at all times.

The ripple effect of corruption is very devastating in nature hence we must run away from corruption as far as the sky is to the ground.

The adverse effects of corruption is very lucid in our land and we must kill corruption and give life to fairness, justice, truthfulness, and good governance in our land.

...And for a better Nigeria I pledge my cause to shun corrupt practices in all forms at all levels.


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