My stance against inequity is rigidly unshaken
My face strait with a voice synonymous with that of a bass singer
I declare my stand on this issue just as a lion makes its presence plain to fellow jungle dwellers
Refusing to shut my aperture even at the coming of the crusher
The humiliation, I resist and the oppression, I rebuke
Shaking off the molecules of molestation and timidity
The stretching exercise of panel beating and the reshaping embarrassment which is an accomplice to the redefinition of self, will never compel me to a ceasefire
With my stance, I launch the bazooka of words
The recoil displaces me not and my chest widens destitute of fear
Though the whole world refuse to heed my cry and I will not give in to compromise
My stance will remain undisturbed even at the booing of the universe and the re-imaging yelling and roaring of the nations
My belief is the “petras” on which I stand unmoved
The passion for a life fair for all is my fuel
Synonymous births bring the son and the slave a sad song at ejection from the uterus and similar opportunities should be their gifts
Equity is a necessity for every living being.
Equity is the best for fairness to be achieved.