It is the feather that hinders our sight of the sweats of Aves; every employee is excited at the arrival of new equipment to ease their work. Systems and machines give wings to work and save the cost of production with a degree of accuracy. Infrastructure as well does nothing less than improving the standard of living of the people, contributing to their well being and increasing their efficiency. Motorable roads, effective rail transportation, better water transportation cum friendly air means are highways to economic development, providing access to the voyage of goods and services around the world. It enables the networking of products far and near for maximum distribution. Health services are indispensable for proper functioning of a system, therefore, they cannot be taken unseriously for efficiency. Adequate water supply from good and readily available sources affects the health and rate of production. Maintenance is not the least contributor to the development a system, it surely boosts the proper functioning of the system when it is very good and when poor, is capable of ruining things. One of the cranes pulling this country by her trousers preventing a forward march is the disease called , Poor Maintenance. Nobody gives due respect to adequate maintenance. Our joy lies in purchasing new machines, constructing new roads, erecting new structures and installing new gadgets. The first few months of their immigration gives joy without limit, the commissioning of structures and buildings makes us elated even the unveiling of new programmes soothes the minds of the people. But after few months, the joy gives way for cracks and eventually, phew! The whole structure lies in ruin. Whose fault? I guess it is not the structure's.


We all love the euphoria of having new things but the maintenance is nothing interesting to us, we even prefer to get new ones and abandon the ones getting out of place. Our government is not exonerated from this, it has become our culture, everywhere is a force field where this can be observed. However, it will be of conspicuous progress if we will take it seriously and give a very good seat to maintenance in our lorry, touring the road towards development.


In conclusion, maintenance will give way for rapid development as the maintenance of available structures will save us a great deal of fortune by avoiding us of spending much on erecting new structures. This will eventually help in investing in some other important things. Maintenance therefore, will place us on the runway of development and we will be fully delivered of the legion tormenting our fatherland.


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