REPORIENTATION JUST BEFORE THE COUP D'ÉTAT We are better may just be at speech; being better is best shown in actions. Taking what's not yours is nothing but a cloaked theft just as colonization is but a planned robbery. A group of terrorists agreed to oppress the helpless in disguise. They carefully chose their baits to get their victims because they see the value and aesthetics they can't match. Only desperate people organize a coup, their greed fuel the revolution and the end there of is worse than the beginning. Taking by force what belongs to others is simply encouraging chaos on a canoe offshore. A great robber can not make life easy for all, he will never give up his business. Who chases a rat away and makes a cat oversee a plate of fried fish and laughs last? The coup may not always produce good leadership, things become even worse under their administration. But just before executing the coup, consider your ways carefully. A good life can never be attained via an...