REPORIENTATION SAME WAVELENGTHS The world is busy, yes, it really is. The business of futility is what delights her, she moves about a point without rest like the hand reading seconds on grandfather's clock. Who will rescue who? No one shows up when their enemy is in agony. When the saviour can't rescue the oppressed being oppressed right before his very eyes with his over ability, it effortlessly explains that he gave the whip to the oppressor in the beginning of times and seasons. Let somebody stop acting green as though they were saints! Our cattle dogs would not even move an inch, all they want is to shine and be fine. No rush to brush, you only live once. Just once and you are planning to empty the treasury full throttle. Who doesn't want solace when we all are getting depressed by association? But remember that offices abide till the end of age but their managers change from time to time which implies that history never ends. Whatever you do will always be engr...