REPORIENTATION THE RED WOODS Tall and covering the truth in its entirety, it is. Creating the shades of shame and celebrating the death of virtue in a cycle. The ones to be arrested are the ones being watched by our security officials. AND. The ones meant to be discharged are being kept like livestock, denied of everything called freedom. We all play hide and seek beneath the blanket, thinking nobody is watching. But the watchman would say, not a word, waiting for the appointed time. My heart should not make my brain foolish, no not. I will not look away just like my tongue won't deny having a taste of whatever visits my mouth. When will here make sense as a place to dwell? They spend our future before it comes. What a life we live! Even the present is struggling to balance, and what else could be the lot of a lot? I know the past was quite good for this nation and the present offers no chilled water but I am sure the future will "throw" us parties of gre...