Word our world

REPORIENTATION WORD OUR WORLD Ain't our definition what we do and what we say? A giant YES! We are simply what comes out of our mouths and what we do. A number of us just wake up on a good morning and say nothing positive about our country. Many just curse our leaders and curse the nation. They see themselves as the only good ones even when they don't do better as followers. Our trucks of prayers are yet to wrought miracles and some people are getting joy from the showers of curses here and there. Don't forget that some people bless their country daily and blessings flow from top to bottom in their society. No one professes evil and see good things happen neither does anyone professes evil and does good. Declare something good, do good and see good things happen to you. Our words matter and they leave prints for us to trail. Words are accomplished by actions and both should be good if a better Nigeria would happen. Our words influence our actions. We soon begin ...